Quizac is a student to student gaming app. See it like who wants to be a millionaire with the exception that questions are carefully crafted from your subject topics
Quizac For Learners
Quizac creates the needed frenzy to keep learners motivated using gaming elements such rewards, mastery, points, badges and levels
Play simultaneously with
up to 1k players
Claim gems and win real
Auto reminder when you're
losing memory of a topic
Track Improved Learning
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Explore various student-created question sets
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ParentJamiu Olaoye
SS2 StudentOladimeji
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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
After completing your registration, you'll need to add different question set based on your class. More like telling us topics you're interested. Hence, you can compete with friends and classmate on these question sets.
A question set is a bundle of questions around a topic. So, it is possible to find many question sets under the same topic created by different contributors. Even you can create your how question set and play it with your friends.
After registration, a list of question sets from different subject topics based on your class is display to select from. You can always goto Quizmart to remove or add to your question sets
Most question sets you'll find in Quizmart are free for now. However, some Contributors might decide to put a penny on their question sets. you'll see the price on the question set if such exist and you'll need to pay the penny to add such question set to your list.
When you click to Home or Games through the bottom navigation, you'll find list of subjects and topics based on the question sets you've added. if you click a subject, you'll see a list of topic based on the question sets you've added. if you click a topic, you'll see a list of question sets you've added from different Contributors under the topic you can decide to play the topic as a whole. In this case, random questions from all the question sets you have under the topic is thrown at you. You may decide to play a single queston sets with friends too.
- From Games, click the topic you want to play
- click the play button on the topic page to play random questions from all the question sets you have in that topic or select a specific question set from the topic to play questions from only the question set
- Enter the nickname of your friend on Quizac and wait for the search to bring it up
- Click on the their name and then click Send Request. wait for your friend to accept and then both of you can begin the game
- From Games, click the topic you want to play
- click the play button on the topic page to play random questions from all the question sets you have in that topic or select a specific question set from the topic to play questions from only the question set
- Wait for search to bring up a random user ready to compete with you
No and Yes. To play your added question sets, you'll always need 5 tickets (coins) for each game. When registered as a new user, a number of free tickets (coins) is given to you. After exhausting all the bonus tickets, you have 2 options.
- You can get enough free tickets to continue the Quizac excitement by taking Surveys, Watching Ads and performing other activities that will fetch you enough coins to boost your game life.
- Or you can easily buy ticket bundle for a low as $0.6 or ₦200 which will last you for as many as 80 games.
Click Quizmart from the bottom navigation, Click Store. There, you'll see the list of different ticket bundles you can purchase and their price
Click Quizmart from the bottom navigation, Click Store. There, you'll see the list of activities you can perform and the no of tickets awarded after completing them.
You can ask your friends who owns a card to buy enough tickets with their card and share with you while paying them with physical cash
- Click to settings after launching the app
- locate the coin icon at the top of the page
- Click share
- Enter the amount to share
- Enter your friend's Quizac nickname (if correct, will display their picture)
- You'll need to authenticate yourself to prevent third party from sharing away your tickets without your permission
- Click submit and your friend will receive a ticket receiver notification
Quizac isn't built only because of the fun and excitement you derive why playing the game, Quizac was built to help solve a perculiar problem around education. The rate at which we forget things keep increasing everyday. The depth at which we understand things keeps declining. we want to be the platform that provides you with hints around subject areas you should focus on to achieve better academic excellence. After each game you play on Quizac, we curate your wrongs and rights. We use this data to calculate your Mastery of each topic and subject. Based on our derivation, we help predict what subject or topic you should work more on.